We have reviewed the COVID guidance documents for the management of cancer pathways. This includes Head & Neck, Lower GI, Breast, Gynaecology and Urology. The updated guidance, as well as COVID-19 resources, both national and specific to Surrey and Sussex Cancer Alliance, can be found on NHS Futures here

Find information on the national vaccination programme, including the booking system and walk-in centres, can be found here: National Booking System

Information on the local ICS vaccination programmes can be found here: 

Health Education England has produced resources to support staff through difficult conversations with patients and their families/carers arising from the COVID-19 outbreak.

It includes evidence-based advice for holding difficult conversations, four training films and an education poster, and a guide to having compassionate phone conversations.

Resources for helping staff break unwelcome news

Patients aged 18 or over and diagnosed with cancer in the last year or are currently receiving cancer treatment are invited to take part in the NHS COVID Cancer Antibody Survey. It is one of the first surveys of its kind to be carried out with vulnerable/immunosuppressed groups and will help to understand the protection provided by antibodies generated following COVID-19 infection and/or vaccination in cancer patients. 

All information and insight gained will link into wider attempts to help control the spread of COVID-19. Those taking part will receive the results of their antibody test.