The Surrey and Sussex Cancer Alliance Board provides leadership to ensure that all patients with cancer in Surrey and Sussex receive equitable access to safe and effective care. 

The Board is founded on the principle of co-design between providers, commissioners, clinicians and service users. It is made up of senior leaders from our local health and care system, charitable organisations and people affected by cancer.

Member Role
Louise Stead chair, Surrey and Sussex Cancer Alliance and chief executive, Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust and Ashford and St Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Keri Torney managing director, Surrey and Sussex Cancer Alliance
Alex Norman co-medical director, Surrey and Sussex Cancer Alliance
Sarah Westwell co-medical director, Surrey and Sussex Cancer Alliance
Thomas Carter Macmillan strategic partnership manager for Surrey, Sussex and Kent
Helen Raison consultant in public health, Surrey County Council
Vaughan Lewis regional medical director, NHS England/south east 
Chris Tibbs medical director commissioning, NHS England/south east
Rebecca Furlong head of cancer performance, NHS England/south east
Wendy Young director of acute services commissioning and transformation, NHS Sussex
Liz Howells director of transformation and quality improvement, Frimley ICB
James Lowell CEO, Queen Victoria Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Lance McCarthy CEO, Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust
Angela Stevenson CEO, Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Steve Aumayer interim CEO, East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
George Findlay CEO, University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust
Siobhan O Donnell programme lead for cancer & diagnostics, Health Education England
Deborah Mechaneck Healthwatch Surrey
Laurence Oates Healthwatch Surrey
Adam Wright senior manager products and programmes, Cancer Research UK

The Clinical Executive acts as the primary source of clinical advice and leadership to the Surrey and Sussex Cancer Alliance Board, across the whole cancer pathway. This extends from prevention strategies, through to screening and early diagnosis; ensuring delivery of evidence based treatment; supporting those living with and beyond cancer, palliative and supportive care; to end of life care. The Clinical Executive comprises the Alliance Clinical Leadership team who assist the Board in improving cancer patients’ outcomes, both in terms of survival and experience of care.

The January 2024 Board Papers are here:

Paper 1 - SSCA Board performance update

Paper 3 - SSCA project status report and budget update

Paper 6 - SSCA public and patient engagement

Paper 7 - NHS England Workforce, Training & Education Directorate update

Certain papers have been omitted as they contain internal information from partner organisations that are not yet in the public domain