On this page you will find courses available that align to the 7 domains in the ACCEND framework. The domains are aligned to the 4 pillars for professional practice, and each contain core cancer capabilities in practice at each level of practice (as described on the main SSCA ACCEND page):

  1. Clinical: Domains A – C
  2. Management and Leadership: Domain D
  3. Research: Domains E – F
  4. Education: Domain G

Each course is identified by its relevant ACCEND practice level and FHEQ (Framework for Higher Education Qualifications Degree Awarding Bodies in England, Wales and Northern Ireland) level where applicable. Some courses will cover more than one domain, and this will be indicated.

Fees may apply, always ask your line manager before applying to a course.

3.0 Person-centred care

The Personalised Care Institute offers a variety of courses on person-centred care, click here to access.

4.0 Communication and consultation skills

Supportive - Pre-registration Level:

The SAGE & THYME® Foundation Level workshop (S&T FL), and the equivalent SAGE & THYME Online workshop, teaches clinical and non-clinical staff at all levels, evidence-based communication skills to provide person-centred support to someone with emotional concerns using the SAGE & THYME structure.

SAGE & THYME is provided by:

St Barnabas House - Worthing

St Wilfred's House - Chichester

Princess Alice Hospice - Esher

8.0 Multidisciplinary, interagency and partnership working

Supportive & Assistive Level:

The GM Cancer Academy has a short course on multidisciplinary working, click here to access.

NHS England has produced a Multidisciplinary Team Toolkit.


10.0 History Taking

11.0 Clinical, physical and mental health assessment

Registered, Enhanced and Advanced level:

University of Surrey - Health Assessment - Adult (Level 6)

University of Surrey - Advanced Assessment & Clinical Reasoning (Level 7)

12.0 Investigations, diagnosis and care planning

13.0 Clinical Management

14.0 Managing medical and clinical complexity and risk

15.0 Independent prescribing and pharmacotherapy

Registered, Enhanced and Advanced level:

University of Surrey - Independent Prescribing (V300) (Level 6)

University of Surrey - Independent Prescribing (V300) (Level 7)

University of Surrey - Advanced Medicines Management (Level 7)

16.0 Prehabilitation and rehabilitation interventions

17.0 Promoting self-management and behaviour change

18.0 Symptom management

19.0 Late effects

20.0 Palliative and end of life care

Hospices throughout Surrey & Sussex provide comprehensive education of Paliative and End of Life care that is essenstial for Assitive to Consultant learners:

St Barnabas - Worthing

Phyllis Tuckwell - Farnham

St Wilfred's House - Chichester

Princess Alice Hospice - Esher

St Catherine's Hospice - West Sussex


21.0 Leadership, management and organisation

The NHS South East Leadership academy offers a wide range of courses, information and resources for leadership development. To find out more click here.

Assistive, Supportive, Pre-registration, Registration and Enhanced level:

The Edward Jenner Programme - The Edward Jenner programme is your first port of call if you’re looking to build a strong foundation of leadership skills that can help enhance your confidence and competence in your role. The programme has been designed to offer flexibility as a suite of online short courses. 

Advanced and Consultant level:

The Mary Seacole Programme - A 6-month leadership development programme, designed in partnership with global experts, recently refreshed and delivered by experienced facilitators to develop your knowledge and skills in leadership and management.

The Rosalind Franklin Programme - The Rosalind Franklin programme will support you to become outstanding innovators, leaders, and team members working across the health and care system, to help improve services for people and communities that access them.

The Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Programme - The Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Programme is a 24-month master’s degree programme in Healthcare Leadership. It will equip you with confidence to challenge the status quo and drive real and lasting change to improve the patient experience.

22.0 Research and evidence-based practice

Enhanced - Consult Level:

Macmillan provide a Level 7 (FHEQ) course on Evidencing Work Based Learning, it can be found on the Macmillan Learning Hub.

23.0 Service evaluation and development

24.0 Developing a learning culture