The results of the 2022 Cancer Patient Experience Survey (CPES) have been published today. Cancer patients have rated their overall experience as 8.88 out of 10, which is a credit to our NHS staff.
Adult CPES has been carried out every year since 2010, and gathers data and insights into the experience of people with cancer in England. The 2022 survey was carried out by Picker Institute Europe on behalf of NHS England. Its results are an important source of information that helps NHS organisations to better understand cancer patient experience in detail inform improvements and policy.
Visit the Cancer Patient Experience Survey website to see the national, regional, Cancer Alliance, and NHS Trust results. A national report and accompanying easy read report set out the headline findings.
A new interactive dashboard has also been launched for this year. The dashboard allows you to explore the survey results in more detail and provides improved functionality and a better user experience. Any questions about the results, please contact