Bowel Cancer Awareness Month

Event date and time: 1 April 2025 to 30 April 2025

April is Bowel Cancer Awareness Month, a chance to raise awareness about the signs and symptoms of this disease. The earlier bowel cancer is spotted, the more treatable it is likely to be.  

Find supporting materials to help raise awareness such as symptoms posters, videos and social media graphics here: Bowel Cancer UK/ Bowel Cancer Awareness Month Bowel_Cancer_UK_BCAM_Symptoms_graphics_PNG.png

Download the NHS England resources here including posters, social media assets and a communication toolkit: Help Us Help You/bowel cancer awareness 

VID-1637 - Put it by the loo. Don't put it off.png

The charity, Bowel Cancer UK, also has patient information leaflets here: Bowel Cancer UK patient publications


For healthcare professionals:

  • Bowel Cancer UK provides education resources, networking opportunities and services to support healthcare professionals and patients. Find it all here: Bowel Cancer UK for health professionals 
  • GatewayC has a range of free, CPD resources to support primary care professionals this Bowel Cancer Awareness Month. They cover earlier detection, screening and FIT. Find them below: BCAM poster version 3.png

         Bowel Cancer Screening course 

         FIT course 

         Lower GI podcast episode