Cancer Survivorship Summit: Improving Outcomes for People Living with and Beyond Cancer
Event date and time: 27 November 2024, 10:00 am to 5:25 pm
Healthcare Conferences UK is hosting this virtual conference which will take a practical approach to improving practice and outcomes for those living with and beyond cancer, moving from surviving to thriving.
Through national updates and practical case studies, the conference aims to support you to deliver on the above priorities outlined by NHS England and develop effective personalised support and services. The conference will also explore how we meet the unmet needs of people living with and beyond cancer, accelerating the roll-out of stratified follow up pathways and the commissioning of holistic packages of support, and ensuring every person with cancer will have access to relevant elements of a personalised care approach.
It will cover content from the NHS England Cancer Programme progress update including ‘Priority 2: improving treatment and personalised care’.